Internet Marketing Basics: Waiting is Expensive


In this third in a series of three explaining the basics of Internet Marketing, I talk about the cost of waiting and how to approach next steps.

Your Competitors Aren’t Waiting

Waiting is way too expensive – your competitors aren’t waiting.  It can be daunting, but taking that first step and then doing a little every day – or every week – will get you much further than doing nothing.

Request an Assessment of your Current Website

When you are ready to take the next step, an assessment of your current marketing may be the way to go.  Maybe you already have a website and a Facebook page.  Comparing your marketing to your competitors is easy on the Internet – just search for them on Google – review their sites and their Facebook pages. Look for competitors across the country – what are they doing that’s inspiring or that provides helpful information to potential customers?

Get Professional Advice

Ultimately, you may want to ask an internet marketing agency for a consultation.  Prices for professional web design and development can vary widely, as can the value provided by individual web design agencies.  Look for an internet marketing agency that is easy to find via search engines, provides a wealth of easy-to understand information, stays in touch in a friendly way, anticipates and answers your questions in a helpful manner, and is easy to work with.

Sound familiar?

Read the first in the series, Internet Marketing Basics: the Importance of Being There
Read the second in the series, Internet Marketing Basics: 5 Essential Elements